Getting Started

This newsletter, I am practicing what I preach!

(scroll to bottom to find out how)

Getting Started is the most single most important thing to worry about if you want to be a freelancer.

Because without the external pressure of a boss or a deadline, you could wait forever.

I’ve thought about this so much over the years. And the most transformative times in my life have been when I stopped planning and took the leap.

Including the leap from a scientific research career to freelance writing. Which brought me time freedom AND financial freedom. Freedom that I never thought was possible.

I am the king at making plans. Elaborate spreadsheets. Documents within documents. But the only thing that ever worked for me was taking the first step towards action.

So this week’s action is simple: START. If you’re still wondering how to get started: Everyone has skills and a network. Combine them to get started today.

  • If you are thinking about freelancing, reach out to 10 people you know and tell them what you are doing. See what happens.

So how am I practicing what I preach?

I had the best plans to publish an amazing newsletter about Getting Started.

But life got in the way! I am just getting started on writing weekly newsletters. My systems are weak. I don’t always prioritize writing.

And so my publishing day came around, and I wasn’t ready!

I thought about postponing until next week. I thought about taking time to plan better systems and schedules to get my newsletters done on time.

But instead, I’m hitting publish on a weak draft. I hope that this inspires you to Get Started too!

That’s it for this week! Thank you so much for reading, I truly appreciate your feedback and support! All the best, -B-

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